网络信息时代的到来 ,使图书馆界面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。传统的编目工作模式正发生着深刻的转变 ,实现网上联机编目已成为编目工作发展的必然趋势。本文就高校图书馆实行联机编目的意义、开展联机编目所面临的问题以及如何实现联机编目等做了一一阐述。
With the coming of the Internet and information era,Academic libraries in China are facing unprecedented chance and challenge.Traditional mode of cataloging work changes deeply.Online cataloging has become a necessary trend.The article illustrates the important meanings of carrying out online cataloging,states the facing problems and how to implement the online cataloging in academic libraries.
Journal of Modern Information