新研制的线路单元测控装置在变电站自动化系统中完成一条线路的遥测、遥信、遥控和遥脉功能。基于80 C1 96KB控制 CPU设计。采用最新的交流采样算法 ,有较高的精度。采用双 CAN网冗余结构 ,可靠性高。支持点阵液晶显示及薄膜式键盘 ,采用菜单显示技术实现人机交互。开关量状态、脉冲量的采集以及控制输出都采用二次隔离技术 ,并采用了先进软件抗干扰技术 ,遥控操作可靠。
This new generation of 80C196KB microprocessor based on substation feeder monitoring unit adopts the latest AC-sampling algorithm with improved accuracy.The utilizing of two-CANBUS redundancy structure results in better reliability.More,liquid crystal display with filmy keyboard and menu display technique are used to fulfil man-machine interface.Besides the traditional functions of telemetry,tele-indication,tele-control and tele-pulse,two-level isolation technique and various software anti-jamming techniques are introduced to improve the quality of digital and pulse signal sampling as well as tele-control.
Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA