试验结果表明 ,在高寒条件下 ,无角陶赛特羊与青海绵羊杂交一代的初生、1月龄、2月龄、3月龄、4月龄、5月龄体重显著高于青海羔羊 (P <0 .0 5 )。 169日龄陶杂一代、青海羔羊进行为期 80d的补饲育肥 ,陶杂一代的总增重、日增重及胴体重分别为 15 .90kg、9.70kg和 18.2 9kg ,显著高于青海羔羊 (P <0 .0 1) ;陶杂一代的屠宰率也有所提高。每只陶杂一代比青海羔羊增收 93 .3
The starting weight ,the weight at the age of one ,two,there four and five months for F 1 of dorset down × Qinghai sheep.The results of Experiment showed that were significantly higer than those of Qinghai lamb(P<0.05).F 1 of Dosvest Down × Qinghai sheep at the age of 169 days,Qinghai lamb at the age of 80 days were fateaned by supplementary feeding,The total gain ,the daily gain and the dressed weight were 15.90,9.70 and 18.29kg,resp.,significantly higher than those of Qinghai lamb.The slaughter rate of F 1 of Dorset Down × Qinghai was improved The income each F of Dorset down ×Qinghai increased 93.38 dollars.than that of Qinghi lamb.
Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences