用于火烧驱油的电点火系统主要由电缆、压风机、挡环和点火器组成 ,利用电缆将电能传输给点火器内的加热电阻 ,将空气加热到原油燃点以上 ,点燃地层部分原油 ,达到火烧驱油的目的。室内试验表明 ,可以根据功率调节压缩空气流量 ,也可以根据压缩空气流量调节功率 ,还可以改变挡环直径调节点火器内外腔空气配比来优化工艺参数。草南 95 - 2井的现场试验表明 ,火烧驱油后仅 3d ,该井周围 11口井即见效 ,含水下降 ,累计日增油 15t以上 。
The electric ignition system for combustion drive is mainly comprised of cable, air compressor, retaining ring and igniter. The electric energy is transferred to the heating resistor in the igniter through the cable, heating air to a temperature above the ignition point of the crude oil so as to ignite part of the oil in the formation and realize combustion drive. The rate of the compressed air can be regulated by the heating power, while the heating power can be adjusted by the rate of the compressed air. And the technological parameters can also be optimized by regulating the proportion of the air inside and outside the igniter chamber through changing the retaining ring diameter. Test in an oil well shows that, by applying the combustion drive with the electric ignition system for only 3 days, evident production increment is found in 11 wells around the test well.
China Petroleum Machinery
中国石油化工集团公司 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 3年度重点项目"稠油火烧驱油开采技术研究"中的研究内容 项目编号KZD2 2 0 0 10 0 6