2 0世纪六七十年代以降 ,西方资本主义国家的经济和社会结构发生了深刻的转型。社会学家丹尼尔·贝尔将这一转型称为“后工业社会的来临”。与后工业社会相伴随的是人们基本价值观的转向。如果说工业时代人们主要关注的是阶级冲突以及与这种冲突相关联的经济利益和物质财富的分配 ,那么在后工业社会 ,人们所关注的则开始转向生态环境、生活方式和生活质量、人权、公民自由、性伦理以及战争与和平等这些与阶级不相关的“后物质主义价值”。在这一背景下 ,北欧政党政治发生了新的变化。公众价值取向模式的改变对北欧政党政治的影响主要表现在三个方面 :一是政党分野由当初以阶级为基础开始向以议题为基础转变 ;二是传统政党竞争结构中的左—右分野呈现空前的多维性和复杂性 ;三是选民传统意义上相对稳定的党派忠诚开始趋于弱化。
The economic and social structures in western countries have experienced profound changes since 1960s, which was designated by Daniel Bell as “the Coming of Post Industrial Society”. Coming along with this transformation is the reorientation of people’s value system -the rise of “post materialist value”. This reorientation means that citizens in New Politics are more concerned with values such as ecological environment, living quality and style, human rights, civil liberty, and some others like war and peace that are irrelevant to the ideas of classes. Under this circumstances, new changes have taken place in Nordic party politics -class cleavages is giving place to issue cleavages as the basis of party competitive structure, left right cleavage is becoming much more multi dimensional, citizens’ loyalties to parties have been significantly weakened.
Chinese Journal of European Studies