目前颗粒物已经成为我国城市大气污染的首要污染物 ,在颗粒污染物中来源于工业烟尘和粉尘的数量在逐年减少 ,而来源于扬尘的颗粒物在颗粒污染物总量中所占的比重却在逐年增加 ,目前已成为造成城市颗粒物污染的首要因素。本文分析了我国城市扬尘污染的现状、来源、扬尘污染控制中存在的问题 ,并提出了控制城市扬尘污染的几点对策和措施。
The particles have been the first pollutant in the air pollution of the city of China.The particles which come from industrial soot and dust has been reduced,while the proportion of the raised dust in the particles has gone up year after year.Now it has been the first pollutant in the city air's particle pollution.The article analyzed the present situation and the source of raised dust pollution and existing problem on raised dust control,the author also put forward some countermeasures on city raised dust control in the end.
Environmental Protection Science