
北太平洋柔鱼渔场的环境特征 被引量:24

Relationship between environment characters and Ommastrephes bartrami fishing ground in the North Pacific
摘要 采用棋盘式定点大面调查和中心渔场专项调查2种方式,于2001年5~8月对北太平洋柔鱼(Ommastrephesbartrami)渔场进行了渔业资源与渔场环境特征调查。调查范围为北太平洋152°00′E~171°00′W、39°00′N~43°00′N海域,渔场环境特征要素主要为各站点的温度、盐度、浮游植物、浮游动物和叶绿素a含量。调查海域的柔鱼资源密度采用渔场海域每个经纬度的单位捕捞力量渔获量表示。结果显示,北太平洋柔鱼中心渔场中部与西经渔场表温为18℃左右,100m水温为9℃左右;西部渔场表温为16~20℃,100m水温为7~8℃;在有温跃层海域的跃层面下易形成高产渔场。浮游动物生物量较高的海域与中心渔场的位置基本保持一致;浮游植物生物量较高的海域和叶绿素a含量高于0.1mg/m3的海域,以及它们东侧海域易形成高产渔场;盐度与中心渔场的关系不明显。 The fishery resources and environmental characters of squid fishing ground in the North Pacific were surveyed by the sited chessboardpattern investigation in large area and by trawling investigation in the central fishing ground from May to August 2001. The surveyed area was 152°00′E~171°00′W, 39°00°N~43°00′N, and the main environmental characteristics included temperature, salinity, phytoplankton, zooplankton and chlorophyll-a concentration, the squid resource density was expressed with CPUE (capture per unit effort) at longitude 1°× latitude 1°in the fishing ground area. The relationships among the hydrological environment,biological environmental factors and squid fishing ground spot were analyzed. The results show that the Sea surface temperature(SST) of the central fishing ground of squid in the North Pacific, and the water temperature at 100 m depth were about 18 ℃ and 9 ℃, respectively in the central part, and in the west longitude fishing ground, those were 16~20 ℃ and 7~8 ℃ respectively. High yield fishing ground tends to be formed under the thermal layer. The location of central fishing ground almost coincides with the relatively high quantity distribution of plankton areas, and high phytoplankton biomass distribution area and the area contenting chlorophylla above 0.1mg/m3, and their eastern part tend to form high yield fishing ground. There is no apparent correlation between salinity and central fishing ground.
出处 《中国水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期507-512,共6页 Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
基金 国家"八六三"计划项目(863-818-11)
关键词 北太平洋 柔鱼 渔场 环境特征 north Pacific Ommastrephes bartrami fishing ground environment characters
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