无论是战后初期、冷战时期还是后冷战时期,日本右翼势力对"台独"运动的支持自始至终、不遗余力。究其原因,主要有三:1 日本对台湾50年的殖民统治在战后日本右翼势力的内心深处形成了浓厚的"台湾情结",这是诱发其支持"台独"运动的历史原因;2 日本右翼势力仍然视台湾为日本自身生存和发展的战略要地,并把支持"台独"运动作为谋求日本"政治大国"地位的有效途径和遏制中国发展的主要手段,是为驱动其支持"台独"运动的现实原因,也是主要原因;3 台湾当局设立秘密"专案基金"拉拢即大搞"金钱外交",是诱使日本右翼势力支持"台独"运动的经济动因。
During the early days after World War Ⅱ,the Cold War and Post Cold War, Japanese right wing force spared no effort in supporting 'Taiwan Independence' movement all along. There were three reasons for Japanese right wing force support: 1. Japan's fifty-years colonial ruling over Taiwan rooted strong 'Taiwan Complex' in the hearts of Japanese right wing force, which was the historical reason ; 2. Japanese right wing force still regarded Taiwan as the important strategical place in which Japan existed and developed;besides it also held supporting'Taiwan Independence' movement as an effective approach to pursue Japan's'political power' status and a main measure to contain China's development, which was the realistic and main reason; 3. The Taiwan authorities set up the secret'Special fund' to hook in Japan, namely the 'Money diplomacy,' which was the economic reason.
Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)