随着数字系统和计算技术的发展 ,逻辑分析仪在高速硬件逻辑测试和软件状态分析中显得尤其重要。由于目前台式逻辑分析仪的价格比较昂贵 ,使得它不能普遍应用于教学和科研实践中。本文介绍一种基于 PC机增强型并行口的个人逻辑分析仪设计技术。该技术充分利用 PC机的丰富资源 ,通过增强型并行口 ,采用现场可编程门阵列的在系统可重构技术和面向对象的软件设计方法 ,实现数字域的逻辑分析功能 ,其特点灵活、便携。此仪器可广泛应用于电子对抗、雷达。
A design technology for personal logic analyzer is presented based on enhanced parallel port (EPP) of personal computer. Taking full advantage of PC′s resources and in system reconfiguration function of field programmable gate array (FPGA), it can realize the function of logic analyzer by using EPP interface and object oriented programming (OOP) software design method. This kind of logic analyzer can be widely used in the measurement and analysis of digital domain, such as electronic countermeasure, radar, communication, and teaching experiment, etc.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing