根据86个中国小麦品种的HMW麦谷蛋白亚基组成,利用粉质仪中的评价值做为小麦品质代表指标,研究了HMW GS的品质功能,制订出新的小麦HMW GS品质评分系统.同时用类平均法聚类,按照10个主要品质指标,将86个小麦品种聚为4大类.在此基础上。
The quality function of HMW-glutenin subunit was studied and the new scoring system for wheat HMW-GS quality was established by valorimeter value in Farinogram as wheat quality indicator based on the composition of HMW-GS of 86 wheat cultivars planted in China. Meanwhile, these 86 wheats were clustered into four kinds of type according to 10 main quality indicators. The evaluating procedure for wheat quality was also presented.