为研究幼儿健康、亚健康状况 ,我们编制《幼儿健康、亚健康问卷》对桂林市及其地区的 9所公私立幼儿园进行分层抽样 ,抽取被试 3 46名 ,其中 ,大班幼儿 1 70名 ,中班幼儿 1 76名 ,采用团体问卷调查法 ,调查结果显示 :大中班幼儿亚健康状况确实存在。影响幼儿亚健康的主要因素有 :幼儿性别、家长文化程度及幼儿所在的地区。
To know the children's health and sub health situation,we made an investigation in 9 kindergartens in Guilin by using a questionnarie.346 children including 170 children in top class and 176 children in middle class were studied randomly.The result shows that there is a sub health problem in kindergaten and the main factors are children's sex,their parents' education and their living place.
Health Psychology Journal