The following conclusions are reached based on analyses of geologic gas accumulation conditions in Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins. (1) The main source rocks in Yinggehai basin are in Miocene and formed during the post_rift depressing stage, and the destruction of gas reservoirs by the late mud diapiric activity was not serious. (2) Drilling proved that the No.2 Fault in Qiongdongnan basin has brought the source rocks to be faulted, and formation of rich gas reservoirs may depend on an effective match between the main carrier systems and the traps with a good reservoir_seal assemblage. (3) The Miocene marine mudstones in Qiongdongnan basin have some hydrocarbon generation potential. (4) The main petroleum assemblages in Qiongdongnan basin are the lower part of Oligocene self_generating and self_reservoiring assemblage and the upper part of Miocene bottom_generating and top_reservoiring assemblage and self_generating and self_reservoiring assemblage. (5) The drill data from two exploration wells in DF and LD areas in the mud diapir structure belt in Yinggehai basin showed that formations with abnormal high pressure (the pressure coefficient is higher than 2.0) and high temperature still contain the mudstone seals with a good sealing ability and a high breakthrough pressure. (6) Yinggehai basin has abundant hydrocarbon resources and a good exploration potential because of favorable accumulation conditions (younger source rocks and later hydrocarbon expulsion), and therefore should be the best one among the five gas_bearing basins (depressions) offshore China.
China Offshore Oil and Gas(Geology)
Yinggehai basin
Qiongdongnan basin
accumulation condition
source rock evaluation
hydrocarbon potential