The one dimensional isentropic flow of detonation products behind CJ front in planar, cylindrical and spherical geometries and with general forms of equation of state (EOS) is considered in this paper, where approximate solutions to the self-similar flow equations in both Eulerian and Lagrangian coordinates are determined and found to be in agreement with the experimental data reasonably. In order to employ the theory mentioned above, the isentropics and the sound speed curves for four forms of detonation products' EOS (γ-law, JWL, HOM and W.C.Davis proposed one) have been calculated. In addition the expression of specific internal energy for inert media as well as the products along the isentropic in general cases is derived. The slight difference among the four isentropics implies that it is insufficient for us to use solely the products' isentropics in numerical simulations of detonation, a proper energetic EOS for detonation products is equally important. The theoretical results here can be employed as an effective method to verify the 1-D numerical simulations for detonation products flow fields.
Explosion and Shock Waves