用缺氧生物滤池与 UASB相串联的工艺对杭州市天子岭垃圾填埋场惨滤液进行了中试试验 ,通过实验 ,总结了缺氧生物滤池的挂膜特性及 UASB起动的成功经验。最终的试验结果表明 :出水 COD、BOD、SS分别稳定在 90 0 mg/ L、1 50 mg/ L、2 50 mg/ L以下 ,缺氧生物滤池对渗滤液具有很好的预处理效果 ,不仅能脱吸部分 NH3、CO2 、H2 S,而且能提高它的可生化性 ,为 UASB的高效运行创造了良好的条件。
A pilot scale test on the leachate of Tan Ziling landfill in Hangzhou has been carried out,using a combined anoxic biofilter and UASB process.Through the pilot scale test,speciality in the biofilm formation of the anoxic biofilter and experience about the startup of the UASB have been summarized.The final experimental results show that the COD、BOD、SS in the leachate after treatment can keep at values less than 900mg/L、150mg/L、250mg/L respectively.The anoxic biofilter can act as an effective tool for the pretreatment of landfill leachate.It can not only reduce NH 3、CO 2、H 2S content in the biogas generated,but also increase the biodegradability.As a result,high efficient operation of the following UASB can be obtained.
Chongqing Environmental Science