黄山松(Pinus taiwanensis)又称台湾松,为我国特有树种,并为东部亚热带中山地区的代表性群系之一,主要分布于华东中亚热带山地,例如福建戴云山、武夷山,江西武功山、怀玉山、庐山、浙江括苍山,天目山以及安徽黄山,海拔600—2000米的地带。南亚热带的台湾中央山脉海拔750—2800米的山地以及北亚热带的大别山北坡与南坡亦有分布。华中的湖南,湖北以及西南的贵州亦有生长。通常组成单纯林或针阔混交林,是一个自然植物群落。
Pinus taiwanensis forest is one of the respresentative formation at mid- mountains in eastern China.The rigional distribution of this formation is mainly in subtropical zone.In the region of Wuyishan range this pine may be found at an elevation of 1200-1900 m frequently.Basing upon the survey of 9 quadrats with 2400m^2 sample area,Pinus taiwanensis formation usually contains vascular plants about 99 species.They respectively belong to 40 families and 70 genera.As far as species composed the community and floristic characteri- stics,the temperate elements and the tropical-subtropical elements have lar- ger proportion,whereas the species habituated at higheer elevation also plays an important part.The vertical zone distribution of Pinus taiwanensis,ac- cording to its floristic compositon in the lower layer,may be divided into two major forest types and a line of demarcation may be drawn at an eleva- tion of 1500m.i.e.(1)the layer dominated by broad leaf evergreen species; (2)the layer dominated by broad leaf deciduous species. Finally,in this paper we have discussed three associations having merged into Pinus taiwanensis-Castanopsis eyrei+Schima superba+Cyclo- balanopsis glauca+Rhododendron ovatum+R,latouchea Association Group.
Wuyi Science Journal