1978年10—11月从福建省建瓯县采到一种隶属于纤恙螨亚属(Subgenus Leptotrombidium)中红恙螨种团(akamushi-group)红恙螨亚种团(akamushi-subgroup)的恙螨,经鉴定认为系一新种,因为背毛序比较不规则。为了慎重起见,我们将采到的部分饱食幼虫在实验室内饲养,待出现第一代子代时,选取一只作模式标本,并保留一部分副模标本。除2只副模标本保藏在福建医学院外,其余模式标本均保藏于福建省流行病研究所。文中长度单位均为微米。
This paper reports a new Trombiculid mite belonging to akamushi-group of the subgenus Leptotrombidium from Fujian Province. The type specimens are deposited in the Fujian Research Institute of Epidemic Diseases. Two paratype specimens are deposited in the Fujian Medical College. Leptotrombidium (L.) fujianensis sp. nov. Body light pink in color during life. Unengorged specimen length 238-282μ, width 190—217μ. Galeal setae branched. Palpal setae formula N-N-B. N. N/7B Eyes 2×2 on ocular plates. Scutum rectangular, sensilla filiform, no setules near the base. SB about the same level as PLs. AP>PS. Dorsal setae 38-42 in number, arranged in 2-8-6-9-7-2; 2-9-7-8-6-4-2 or 2-10-8-8—7-5-2. Ventral seatae 29—32 in number. Setae on coxae III situated beneath the frontal margin. Standard measurements: AW 74, PW 84, SB 36, ASB 30, PSB 15, A-P 27, AM 55, AL 40, PL 58, Sens 62. Holotype and 9 paratype larvae were the offsprings of the first generation breeded from engorging larvae developed into adults under laboratory rearing They were collected off Rattus fulvescens in October and November, 1978 from Jianou, Fujian. L. fujianensis sp. nov. is very similar to L. scutellare (Nagaye et al., 1921), L. akamushi (Brumpt, 1910) and L. fletcheri (Womersley et al., 1943), but disting- uished from them by the following features: (1) the body color of living larvae, deutonymph and adult; (2) the site of SB; (3) the standard measurements of AW. PW and SB; (4) the shape of posterior margin of scutum; (5) the numbers of dorsal setae, ventral setae and their arrangements.
Wuyi Science Journal