本文记述福建省肖叶甲科二新种,其中一种属于国内新纪录属。新种模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。粗角叶甲属 Clisitherella Chen, 1940 本属在国内系新纪录。本属过去仅知一种——Clisitherella suturalis Chen, 1940(模式产地:越南北部)。体长卵形。唇基前缘呈圆形凹切,两侧突出成尖齿状。雄触角粗大,第三、四两节宽而略扁,背面各有一浅圆凹洼,末端三节细狭。复眼完整,内缘稍弧弯。下颚须末节细。
In this paper two species of Eumolpid-beetles, of which one species belongs to a newly recorded genus (Clisitherella Chen) from China, are described as new. A11 the type specimens are kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia sinica. Clisitherella fukienensis, sp. nov. (fig. 1) Elongate-oval, reddish-brown; elytra yellowish-brown, with lateral margins and suture black. Legs with apex of femora as well as tibiae and tarsi black. Antennae black, except three basal segments brownish. Head moderately densely and rather strongly punctate, epistome bounded an- teriorly on each side with a distinct ridge, anterior margin of clypeus roundly emarginate and produced on each side into a strong tooth. Antennae robust, in male about 3/4 the length of the body, the 1st segment very thick and cylindri- cal, slightly curved on the inner side; 2nd short, moniliform; 3rd and 4th broad and flat, each with an oblong fovea on upper surface; 5-7th thick, a little longer and narrower than the 4th; the last three segments slender; segments 4-10th dne- sely fringed with pale long hairs on underside; Antennae of female slender, ab- out half as long as the body. Pronotum about two times as broad as long, later- al margins explanate and rounded; disc with punctures rather scattered, distinct- ly larger anteriorly than posteriorly, being smaller and weaker than those of the head. Elytra with lateral margins explanate, coarsely and irregularly punctate. Anterior margin of pro-episternum straight. Prosternum oblong. Femora strong and thick, unarmed, external apical angle of tibiae strongly developed and curved in male, less developed in female; claws appendiculate. Body length 5.2-5.8mm; breadth 3.1mm. Holotype ♂:Xi-qin, Nanping County, Fujian Province, 25.iv.1981, collected by the Department of Forestry, Fujian Province. Allotype ♀: ditto. Distinguish- ed from C. suturalis Chen by the color of the legs being bicolorous instead of unicolorous, the basal three instead of six segments of antennae pale colored; the antennae of male fringed w
Wuyi Science Journal