以构件理论为基础 ,运用灰色关联度分析技术 ,对新疆阜康荒漠红砂 (Reaumuriasoongorica)自然种群构件结构及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明 :1)植株冠幅是表征红砂生长情况的重要指标 ,随着红砂植株冠幅的增大 ,植株高度明显增加 ,而且植株冠幅与植株的一级分枝系统和当年生枝系统的构件因子相关度较大。2 )在某种意义上 ,一级分枝系统是红砂植株的基础 ,三级分枝系统和当年生枝系统则是二级分枝系统的派生物 ,它们之间的关联性显示了红砂种群构件组成间的整合作用。 3)一级分枝系统内的分枝高度与分枝数、长度及分枝角度有较大的关联度 ,但与径粗关联度相对较小 ,说明一级分枝系统内后者的变化与前四者并不完全相似 ,表现出一定的异质性。 4 )在二级分枝系统中 ,一方面 ,各构件特征与一级分枝系统存在较大的关联度 ,反映了红砂种群构件结构一定程度的整合作用 ;另一方面 ,二级分枝构件系统内的分枝数、分枝角度、径粗间表现出了一定的高相关性 ,说明它们的变化特征比较相似 ,受其它因子作用的反映具较高的一致性。 5 )三级分枝和当年生枝系统也是阜康荒漠红砂种群构件结构中比较重要的特征。 6 )研究的 17个环境因子与红砂种群的生长关系均较密切 ,其中土壤Cl-含量和土壤电导率是影响阜康荒?
On the basis of the theory of modularity, the correlation between environmental factors and the modular structure of the Reaumuria soongorica population in the desert of Fukang, Xinjiang, was studied through analysis of the degree of relatedness adopted in the grey system theory. The results showed that 1) the canopy diameter (including the south_north and east_west diameter) is the important index representing the growth and development of Reaumuria soongorica population. Plant height is enhanced significantly with increasing canopy diameter. The grey relatedness degree is higher between the canopy and the modular factors of the first grade branch system and the present year branch system. 2) in a sense, the first grade branch system is the foundation for the whole plant while the third grade branch and the present year branch system are derived from the second grade branch system. The relationship among these factors indicates the integration in the modular structure of Reaumuria soongorica population. 3) in the first grade branch system, the relatedness degree is higher between the height and the number, length and angle, but lower between the height and the diameter. It demonstrates that the diameter does not completely resemble the former four modular factors of the first grade branch. As a result, some heterogeneity exists among these modular components of the first grade branch. 4) the modular characteristics of the second grade branch have higher relatedness degrees with the first grade branch system implying the integration of the modular factors. On the other hand, the grey relatedness degrees among the number, angle and diameter of the second grade branch system are higher, which shows, to some extent, that the modules change similarly and they reflect the other factors consistently. 5) the third grade branch and the present year branch system are also characteristics of the modular structure of Reaumuria soongorica populations. 6) generally, the relatedness degrees between the seventeen environmenta
Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology
国家"973"重大基础项目<中国西部干旱区生态环境演变与调控研究>(G19990 43 5 0 3 )
Fukang Desert, Reaumuria soongorica population, Modular structure, Environmental factor