Franz Boas认为语言是由文化决定的。作为文化的重要组成部分,语言反映文化而且是理解英语文化中的性别歧视的关键。试图从劳动分工,宗教意识和早期教育的角度分析性别歧视的起源,同时从文化出发讨论性别歧视并描述其在语言中的反映。
Franz Boas believes that language is determined by culture. As an important element of culture, language reflects culture and is shaped by it, therefore, it is fundamental to our understanding of sexism in English cultures. This paper analyses the origins of sexism from the perspective of labor division, religious ideology and early education. And discuss sexism from the point of view of culture and depict its reflection in language.
Journal of Luoyang Technology College