20 0 2年 4月 1 0日~ 2 0 0 2年 1 0月 1 5日在方正县选择浅山区塘坝进行方正银鲫养殖试验研究。结果表明 :在低温浅山区塘坝进行方正银鲫为主的养殖是可行的 ,经 1 70d的养殖 ,方正银鲫由放养时的 1 0 0g到出池时 2 5 0g ,亩利润为 1 2 33 4元 ,同时 ,搭配大规格鲢鳙鱼 ,可取得高产高效的养殖效果。
the trial was made in a shallow pool under mountains in Fangzheng county from April 10 to October 15 in 2002.The results reveal this aquaculture is feasible, the carp grows from 100g to 250g within 170d in average, earning money by 1233.4 yuan/667m 2; and if the bigger silver carp is stored, higher profits will be brought.
Chinese Journal of Fisheries