目的 探讨儿科抢救室患儿家属的心理需求。方法 对 5 2例危重患儿家属进行问卷调查。结果 危重患儿家属的心理需求与其对患儿病情的了解程度 ,患儿病情的进展和预后等因素相关。结论 针对危重患儿家属的心理需求 ,实施相应的心理护理对策 。
Objective To explore the psychological needs of close relatives whose children were treated in the pediatric emergency rescue room. Method Survey of the close relatives of 52 critically ill pediatric patients by guestionaires. Result Their psychological needs are related to several factors such as their understanding of the children's illness, the progression of the children's clinical conditions as well as the prognosis. Conclusion In accord with the psychological needs related nursing measures should be carried out to improve the physical and psychological health of the close relatives of the critically sick children.
Shanghai Nursing