目的:评价输尿管软镜下钬激光碎石术治疗复杂性上尿路结石的有效性和安全性。方法:回顾性分析80例输尿管软镜下钬激光碎石术治疗复杂性上尿路结石。结石直径1.0~3.5cm,平均2.2cm。经输尿管软镜镜鞘置入输尿管软镜,采用230μm钬激光光纤,6.4~9.6 W功率碎石。结果:80例患者中70例行一期碎石,3例因急性肾功能不全急诊行双J管置管术,7例因输尿管狭窄难以置入输尿管软镜镜鞘,留置双J管1~2周后再次手术成功。手术时间30~180min,平均65min。术后住院2~12d,平均3.1d。术后1个月无石率为91.25%。无严重并发症发生。结论:输尿管软镜下钬激光碎石术是治疗复杂性上尿路结石的安全有效方法。
Objective :To eval uate the efficacy and safety of flexi ble ureteroscopy and hol mi u m∶YAGlaser litho-tri psy for the treat ment of co mplex proxi mal uri nary tract calculi .Methods :A retrospecti ve anal ysis was perfor med on 80 patients with co mplex proxi mal uri nary tract calculi treated by flexi ble ureteroscopy e mpl oyi ng a hol mi u m ∶YAG laser lithotri psy .The dia meters of the calculi were 1.0-3.5 c m,with an average of 2.2 c m.The flexi ble uret-eroscopy was i nserted through access sheath for the lithotri psy ,which e mpl oyed a 230 μm hol mi u m∶YAGlaser fi-ber at a po wer setti ng of 6.4-9.6 W.Results :Among the 80 patients ,phase I lithotri psy was perfor med on 70 pa-tients ,of which 3 subj ects recei ved e mergency double J catheterizati on surgery due to acute renal fail ure and 7 sub-j ects under went a successful second surgery after 1-2 weeks of i nd welli ng double J catheterizati on due to a ureteral stricture that hi ndered i nserti on of the access sheath .The surgical durati on ranged fro m 30 to 1 80 mi n ,with an aver-age of 65 mi n .The postoperati ve hospitalizati on ranged fro m 2 to 1 2 days ,with an average of 3.1 days .The postop-erati ve stone-free rate withi n 1 month was 91.25 %,and no seri ous co mplicati ons occurred .Conclusions :Flexi ble ureteroscopy and hol mi u m laser lithotri psy is a safe and effecti ve treat ment method for co mplex proxi mal uri nary tract calcul us .
Journal of Minimally Invasive Urology
flexible ureteroscopy
holmium∶YAG laser