

Relationship Between "121 Project of Rainwater Collection" and IDD, Endemic Fluorosis
摘要 为了解甘肃省“12 1”集雨窖水中碘、氟的含量与碘缺乏病和氟中毒的防治关系 ,2 0 0 2年选择实施项目的通渭县典型高氟低碘病区襄南乡马店村 8~ 10岁儿童 5 0名测其尿碘 ,进行甲状腺触诊检查 ;同时对调查对象所在的 5 0户家庭 ,进行水碘、水氟实验室检测 ;随机抽取调查对象所在家庭 3 0户 ,检测盐碘、粮食氟 ;与改水前进行比较。结果显示水碘由改水前的 6.0 μg/L下降到改水后的 3 .7μg/L ;合格碘盐覆盖率由改水前的 94.3 %上升到 10 0 % ;尿碘中位数由改水前的 2 10 .0 μg/L上升至改水后的 2 3 8.5 μg/L ;甲肿率由改水前的 6.0 %下降至 0。水氟由改水前的 2 .0 0mg/L下降到改水后的 0 .0 94mg/L ;粮食氟改水前后分别为 6.83 6mg/kg ,6.63 2mg/kg ;尿氟由改水前的 2 .0 0 0mg/L下降至改水后的 1.5 41mg/L ;氟斑牙指数由改水前的 3 3 %下降至 13 %。调查证实饮用低氟窖水是控制氟中毒的有效途径 ,在饮用“12 1”集流窖水的病区提高合格碘盐的覆盖率是有效控制碘缺乏病的关键。 In order to learn the relationship between the content of iodine and fluorine in the well of rainwater collection of '121' project and IDD and endemic fluorosis control, 50 children of 8~10 years old from Madian village, Xiangnan town in 2002, typical area of iodine deficiency and fluorine excess in the project county, were chosen to monitor their urinary iodine and examine their thyroid gland. 56 children of 8~12 years old were determined urinary fluorine and the dental fluorine. Meanwhile, water iodine and fluorine from 50 investigated families were surveyed. We sampled 30 investigated families at random for monitoring salt iodine and grain fluorine. Compared with unimproved well water, water iodine declined from 6.0μg/L to 3.7μg/L, the media of urinany iodine rose from 210.0μg/L to 238.5μg/L,the coverage rate of qualified iodinated salt increased from 94.3% to 100%, the goiter rate declined from 6.0% to 0 . Water fluorine decreased from 2.000mg/L to 0.094mg/L,grain fluorine from 6.836mg/kg to 6.632mg/kg, urinary fluorine from 2.000mg/L to 1.541mg/L,index of dental fluorosis from 33% to 13%. It is proved that drinking collected rainwater is an effective way of endemic fluorosis control. Improving the spread rate of qualified iodinated salt is the key of controlling IDD effectively in the project area.
出处 《地方病通报》 2003年第4期65-66,共2页 Endemic Diseases Bulletin
基金 甘肃省科学事业费项目
关键词 “121雨水集流工程” 碘缺乏病 通渭 甘肃 防治 地氟病 121'rainwater collection project Endemic fluorosis IDD Tongwei County, Gansu Province
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