Based on the survey data conducted by East China Sea Region Fishery Resources Dynamic and Minitor Net, an analysis of the hairtail resources during summer closed season was made and the hairtail production prospects for autumn and winter fishing seasons were given. The result showed that hairtail stock density-at-weight, stock density-in-number and amount of larvae were all lower than normal years, individual weight in spawning period was higher than normal year and the amount of broodstock was at low level in the East China Sea Region in earier stage of summer closed season (June), while in the middle stage (July and August), the proportion of hairtail spawning stock decreased and the length of annus on the average was short. Meanwhile, the water temperature was lower than that of 2002, which was unfavourable for the growth and develepment of hairtail. It can be expected that when summer closed season is over, catch condition will not be optimism and the prospects for the production in autumn and winter fishing seasons will be poorer than in 2002.
Marine Fisheries