医学图像可视化中基于表面的三维重建方法可以分为体素级重建和切片级重建两类.其中,体素级重建主要采用立方体法(Cuberille)[1]、移动立方体法(Marching Cubes)[2]和分解立方体法(Dividing Cubes)[3];切片级重建主要采用环行轮廓拼接方法[4],在此基础上,后来又研究了一些改进方法[5~7],切片级重建和体素级重建相比,其优点是在重建过程中可以把三维问题转化成二维问题.
In the medical 3D Reconstruction, 3D object surface is reconstructed, by making use of the traditional slice-based reconstruction method- Due to the still existing problems, such as contour pairing, diverging surface, contour pair patching, etc. In this paper, the new methods are proposed for the problem solving. The contour pairing is carried out with overlapping. The diverging curved surface is decomposed with mathematical morphology. The boundaries generated by the morphologic operation are that of the diverging surfaces. The middle layer generated by the lower layer and the upper layer is not to insert into the two layers but only to join in one of the two layer. The contour mosaic is patched with triangles to form the surface after the polygons are simplified. The triangles are constructed under the criterion of the shortest diagonal.
Computer Science