进行了枣粮间作与单纯作物种植之间的产量和产值比较分析 ,结果表明以枣粮间作为主的农林复合经营模式在黄河三角洲地区新淤地上是可行的。前 5年的经济效益比对照平均提高 1.56% ,可见经济效益显著。通过栽植枣树可以形成农田防护林带 ,提高土壤植被覆盖率 ,减少土壤蒸发 ,有效地抑制土壤返盐。因而 ,该法具有很高的生态效益。在枣树配置结构的三种处理间 ,第一种处理 ,即枣树双行栽植 ,株行距为 3m× 3m ,枣行间距为 9m ,优于第二。
The comparison and benefit analysis were performed between jujube-crops int ercropping and pure crops farming. The results showed that jujube-crops intercro pping was available to be used as the main agroforestry composite model in Yello w River Delta region. Its total benefit in the first five years averagely increa sed by 1.56% compared with the control. Moreover by planting jujube trees farmla nd shelterbelts were established which could enhance plant coverage, reduce soil evaporation, thereby prevent soil from salinazation. Therefore the ecological e ffect is also obvious. Among the three jujube constructures the first one, i. e. double jujube belts with spacing 3 m×3 m and the distance between belts is 9 m, is the best.
Journal of Northeast Forestry University
国家林业局攻关项目 ( 971 8)和山东省重大项目 ( 0 1 1 1 50 1 0 6 )