以毛蚶为实验材料 ,利用细胞化学染色方法在光学显微镜下对毛蚶的血细胞进行观察。毛蚶的血细胞有四种组成 ,其中以红细胞为主 ,直径为 18.4± 0 .97μm ;透明细胞为 5 .6 3± 1.4 9μm ,核染色深 ,瑞氏染色胞质内光镜下未见颗粒 ;颗粒细胞胞质中含有着色颗粒 ,瑞氏染色后一种为桔红色 ,8± 1.0 6 μm ,另一种为兰色 ,6 .3± 1.2 5 μm ;另外还有极少量血细胞几乎没有细胞质 ,细胞大小为 5 .17± 1.6 9μm。分别在 4℃ ,10℃ ,2 0℃ ,30℃ ,37℃条件下研究毛蚶血细胞对白色念珠菌的体外吞噬实验。结果发现 ,颗粒细胞、透明细胞和红细胞都具有体外吞噬活性 ,以 30°C条件下吞噬百分率最高 ,达到 6 2 .11%。利用鳗弧菌Vibrioanguillirum对毛蚶进行免疫刺激后 。
The studies of morphology and phagocytosis property are carried out by the method of cytochemical staining under the optical microscope. Classification of the haemocytes of the ark shell Scapharca subcrenata revealed the presence of four groups of haemocytes: (1) Erythrocyte with the size of 18.4±0.97μm is dominant cell in the blood; (2) Hyaline leucocyte with the size of 5.63±1.49μm possesses a heavily stained nucleus but no granules in the cytoplasm when treated by wright's staining; (3) Granulocyte which has granules in the cytoplasm, could be divided into two groups according to the staining of granules, one is orange, 8±1.06μm, the other is blue, 6.3±1.25μm; (4) The fourth group has a large nucleus, 5.17±1.69μm. The phagocytosis test is performed at 4°C,10°C,20°C,30°C and 37°C respectively. It showed that granulocyte, hyaline leucocyte, and erythrocyte could phagocytize Candida albicans cells in vitro . The optimal temperature of phagocytosis was 30°C, and the phagocytic rate is 62.11%. When the ark shell is challenged with Vibrio anguillirum, the phagocytic activity of the haemocytes increased markedly in comparison with those treated with saline or sterilized Vibrio anguillirum.
Chinese High Technology Letters
86 3计划 (2 0 0 1AA6 2 80 70 )
973规划 (G19990 12 0 0 9)资助项目