1999~ 2 0 0 1年在浙江省天目山进行了熊蜂的种类和生态习性调查 ,发现天目山熊蜂种类 1 0种。文中列出了熊蜂的种类。
The investigation of bumblebee species and their behavior in the Tianmushan Mountains of Zhejiang Province was made during 1999~2001 and ten species were found. The species distribution and their forage plants were reported here. Bombus (Pyrobombus) flavescens Smith, B. (Diversobimbus) trifasciatus Smith, B. (Bombus) ignitus Smith, B.(Senexibombus) kulingensis Cockerell, B. (Alpigenobombus) breviceps Smith and B.(Pyrobombus) flavus Friese were the most common species. Overwintered queens ofB.flavescens could be found in March, and those of B.flavus in May. Other species initiated a new colony in April. The species B.trifasciatus had a longer tongue, and the species B. flavus a shorter tongue. B.ignitus and B.breviceps with 7~8mm tongue could become pollinating insects between crops in greenhouse.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
上海市科技发展基金项目"现代温室有益昆虫 -熊蜂的研究与利用"(编号 :983 913 0 0 5 )
受科技部"十五"重点攻关课题"现代大型温室蔬菜标准化栽培技术体系研究与产业化示范"(编号 :2 0 0 1BA5 0 3B0 5 )资助