Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP), traditionally considered to be 'mi-nor' forest product implies all renewable and tangible products, other than timber,fircwood and charcoal derived from forests or any land under similar use as well aswoody plant (except the products like sand stone water, ecotourism). As the forestsare dispearing from the earth, recently attention has been focused on the potential im-portance of NWFP toward meeting rural communities'need for food, fiber andforage, as well as essential sources of cash and better income. In Asia-Pacific region, it is of greater significance to develop NWFP for rural & national economy as the forestsare particularly rich in non-wood forest resources which yeild foods, medicines and awhole range of products for domestic purposes, cottage industries and trade. In addi-tion, harvesting of NWFP is promising in making forestry development economicallyviable and ecological and cutural sustainable. But under current social & natural circum-stances it is likely to have a number of diffculties in the sustaiable development ofNWFP: (1) The natural non-wood forest resources have been depleted rapidly andsignificantly by increasing deforestation, forest degration,and over exploitation to meetthe growing demand for NWFP. (2) Governments often have a poor knowledge oftheir extent and variability. (3) Marketing of NWFP may also be difficult such as howto expand productions to enter new market and aviod monopoly and trade restiction.(4) There is often little ecological knowledge availble upon which to base the develop-ment of sustainable managemeht systems for the various products being harvested. Ingeneral, to realise the potential benefit of NWFP development we have to do the follow-ing works: (1) To remake forest, land use and development policies so that the im-portance of NWFP resource and value can be uniformly taken into account. (2) Totake active measures to conserve and rebuild the natural resource base. (3) To greatlyplant non-wood forest as a supplement to the natural re
World Forestry Research