东西方在脊柱手法方面都有很多研究 ,近年来研究进展迅速 ,取得了一些进步 ,为临床治疗因脊柱原因引起的痛症提供了一种新的有效方法。在西方手法医学的基础上 ,认真研究短杠杆微调手法 ,对颈椎、腰椎手法进行改进 ,通过临床实践 。
As the techniques,both chinese tuina and western manual manipulation treat spinal diseases and has been the subject of research for many years.Although the two manipulation techniques are not the same,both have proved to be beneficial in treating diseases of the spine.In my article,I will compare the similarities and differences between chinese spinal tuina dnd western manual manipulation,and diseases ways of improving both techniques,so as to increase the positional treatment results in clinical practice.
Journal of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine