眎s the scope adverb which means“each other”.This artic le discusses the relationship between“相”and“厮”from the two aspects-sound a nd meaning,“相”originally means“each other”,that is to say it’s original use is“mutual demonstrative”.Then it has the use of“single demonstrative”, which increased in two Han dynasties and prospered after Wei and Jin dynasties .In period of Tang and Song dynasties“相”branched out “厮”which was pronoun ced“ru sound”(入声)and meant “each other”,for example:“厮打、厮守、厮吵 、厮混、厮杀、厮替、厮赶、厮像、厮闹、厮帮、厮觑、厮会、厮推”.“厮”frequently appeared in popular novel in Yuan dynasty and the beginning of Ming dynasty.“ 厮”which is pronounced“ru sound”in Taigu dialect has been used up till now.
Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University