由尿素合成三聚氰胺的反应有副反应存在 ,能生成缩二脲、三聚氰酸一酰胺、三聚氰酸二酰胺和蜜勒胺等副产物。利用水溶液中的三聚氰胺在高温高压下可以完全分解的性质 ,采用国外最新开发的OAT专利技术 ,将废水中夹带的少量工艺产品和聚合物废料转化回收 ,可提高原料的利用率 。
In the synthesis of melamine based on urea, there are a series of by-products such as biuret, cyanuramide, cyanurodiamide and melem are formed. Based on the property of complete decomposition of melamine under high temperature and high pressure, adopting a newly developed foreign OAT proprietary technology, residual final product and waste polymeric materials containing in waste water can be transformed and recoreried. It improves utilization rate of raw material and eliminated waste water pollution.
Fine and Specialty Chemicals