在介绍政府办公自动化系统的结构、功能和核心技术的基础上 ,提出政府办公自动化系统建设要在分步实施时强调整体规划 ;要正确处理好应用与标准化的关系 ,以应用为核心 ,以应用推进标准 ;要正确处理好办公自动化系统与政府上网工程建设 ,只有办公自动化系统设计运转成功 ,政府上网才会有源源不断的信息发布。
The structure,function and the kernel technology of government automatic office system are discussed.It proposed that the overall plan should be emphasized in stepwise implementing,the relationships between the application and standardization,the automatic office system and government online project should be deal with correctly.Only the successful running of this system,can the goverment issue information continually.
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences