目前 ,MIS的功能和价值存在信息处理级别较低、自身刚性化、开发周期长、成本高 ,以及无法进行信息管理的导入等缺陷。要克服这些缺陷 ,MIS要对原系统进行较大的革新效应 ,要在 VE观念下开发 MIS,从纯粹的 MIS技术开发中解脱出来 ,使 MIS开发和建设过程科学化 ,可向用户提供所需的功能 ,并有效地提升 MIS的价值 ,使企业经营管理发生新的或质的变化。
From the function,technology,management and value etc.,there exists some drawbacks with present MIS system.The main cause is that the existing design method of MIS uses the old buildup construction of business enterprise to precede the analysis design.Its improvement of the existing business flow is not sufficient to make the enterprise change fundamentally.MIS design under VE idea can free MIS out from pure technological design and improved the value of MIS effectively by offering the functions that might renew the management of the enterprise.
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences