发展知识经济和循环经济是 2 1世纪人类社会发展的两大趋势。自 2 0世纪 90年代 ,随着人类对生态环境保护和可持续发展的理论和认识的深入发展 ,循环经济受到越来越多的重视和快速发展。中国加入WTO以后 ,中国经济走出国门 ,与世界经济接轨 ,参与到国际市场的激烈竞争之中。但发达国家又往往使用“绿色环保” ,“知识经济产权”等种种理由对发展中国家设置障碍。因此 ,循环经济理论对发展我国的工业具有非常重要的指导意义。
The developments of knowledge econemy and cyclical economy are the two main trerels of social developments in the 21st century.Along with people's further acknowledgement of ecological environmental protection and sustainable development,cyclical economy has drawn more and more attention and has achieved fast development.With China's entry into WTO,China's economy is open to the world and gradually getting involved in the immens competition of the world market.However,the developed countries have been trying to create obstacles to the developing ceuntries,with“Green Enviromental Protection”,“Intellertual Economy Property Rights”and the likes as the excuses.Therefore,cyclical economy has important guiding siguificance on the development of China's industry.
China Mining Magazine