观察纳洛酮加氨茶碱治疗早产儿原发性呼吸暂停疗效,对使用氨茶碱后仍出现呼吸暂停的早产儿48例,随机分为对照组和观察组。观察组加用纳洛酮治疗,对照组不用;比较两组间原发性呼吸暂停的时间和发生次数、心率、经皮血氧饱和度等的差异。结果显示:与对照组相比,观察组患儿呼吸暂停的次数为(1.7±0.9)次/d vs(3.4±2.1)次/d及呼吸暂停的日均积分为(1.9±1.1)分vs(4.8±2.3)分明显减少,P值均<0.001;呼吸暂停的时间明显缩短,为(19.7±2.6)s vs(23.3±3.5)秒,P值<0.05;呼吸暂停时SpO2的下降程度[(82.0±8.4)%vs(74.5±6.2)%]及心率下降程度[(96.4±13.8)次/min vs(87.7±14.5)次/min]均明显减轻,P均<0.05。结果提示,纳洛酮在早产儿原发性呼吸暂停的作用值得进一步的研究和推广。
To investigate the effects of naloxone plus aminophylline therapy on primaiy apnea of pretenn infants, forty-eight pretenn infants with primary apnea after administrated aminophylline were randomly divid-ed into two groups: control group and investigation group. Investigation group added naloxone, while, control group didn't. The differences of duration, episodes, SpO2 and heart rate of primary apnea of pretenn infants between tow groups were compared. Results showed that episodes of apnea [(1.7±0.9)/d vs(3.4±2.1)/d] and the average total scores/d [(1.9±1.1) vs(4.8±2.3) ] were greatly reduced in investigation group, P<0.001, and duration of apnea was significantly shorted[(19.7±2.6) svs(23.3±3.5) s, P<0.05]. SpO2[(82.0±8.4)% vs (74.5±6.2)%] and heart rate [(96.4 ± 13.8) times/min vs(87.7±14.5) time/min] were greatly alleviated, both P<0.05. We conclude that Nalox-one is worthly apph'ed in primary apnea of pretenn infants.
The Journal of Neonatology