目的 进一步了解纵隔静脉异常的CT表现和意义。方法 收集胸部增强CT上出现纵隔静脉异常者 34例 ,均作回顾性重建 ,成像参数 (准直 /有效层厚 /重建间隔 )为 2 .5mm/3.2mm/1.6mm或 5mm/6 .5mm/2mm ,并作容积成像和曲面重建处理。结果 34例静脉异常可分为 5种类型 ,包括左侧上腔静脉 16例、左头臂静脉与奇 半奇静脉系统异常连接 14例、左下肺静脉曲张 2例、奇静脉瘤 1例以及异常引流肺静脉 1例。容积成像很好地显示异常 ,曲面重建有效地补偿前者没有曲面的不足。结论 常规胸部CT增强结合回顾性重建容积成像可以有效显示各种静脉异常 ,正确认识这些异常有一定的意义。
Objective To evaluate CT findings of mediastinal venous abnormalities on enhanced chest CT.Methods The data of thirty-four patients with mediastinal venous abnormalities (MVAs) were peformed routine enhanced chest CT scan and retrospective reconstruction consequently which including volume rendering (VR) and curved multiplanar reconstruction (CPR).Results Of all the cases, 16 cases had left superior vena cava, 14 cases had abnormal connection between left brachiocephalic vein and azygos vein system, 2 cases had pulmonary varix, one had an azygos venoma, and the other had partial anomalous pulmonary vein drainage of the left upper lobe. VR displayed the abnomalities well, and CPR is complementary to curved plane.Conclusion The combination of routine enhanced chest CT scan and VR could reveal the MVAs. The right recognition of MVAs would be significant to some extent.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology