目的 :研究 β 环糊精包合茶芎挥发油的最佳工艺条件。方法 :采用饱和溶液搅拌法制备包合物 ,应用红外分光光度仪对包合物做了定性鉴别 ,并用正交试验法探讨制备包合物的最佳工艺条件。结果表明 :A3 B2 C2 D1为最佳包合工艺条件 ,即 :温度 6 0℃ ,搅拌时间 1.5小时 ,挥发油与 β 环糊精之比为 0 .8mL∶4 g ,β 环糊精与水之比为 1g∶2 0mL。结论 :此工艺简单、稳定 ,包合率和产率均好 ,适于工业化生产。
Objective:To study the best way of preparing ligusticum with Hydroxypropyl β cyclodextrin.Method:the inclusion compound of ligusticum with Hydroxypropyl β cyclodextrin by aqueous solution stirring method.The inclusion compound of ligusticum with Hydroxypropyl β cyclodextrin was confirmed by IR spectroscopy,the best way of preparing ligusticum with Hydroxypropyl β cyclodextrin was studied by orthogonal experiment design.Results:The best result of preparing is A 3B 2C 2D 1,i.e.temperature:60 ℃,stirring time:1.5h,the ratio between Volatile Oil and Hydroxypropyl β cyclodextrin is 0.8 mL∶4 g.Conclusion:This preparation way is simple ,stable and suitable for factory manufacture.
Journal of Jiangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
江西省自然科学基金资助项目 (No .9940 0 5 3 )