利用Matlab 6可视化编辑图形界面的能力,从设计图形用户界面的总体框架结构和设 置其控件属性入手,说明了利用Matlab进行CAI课件设计的基本方法,并给出了具体的CAI课件例 子.所设计的课件界面友好,容易使用,且具有开放性,方便用户不断完善和扩充课件的功能.
Based on the GUI of Matlab 6, the method of designing CAI courseware was proposed through designing the frame structure and setting the property of component of Graphic User Interface. An example was given to explain the method. With a friendly interface, the courseware was easy to be used, and its function could be expanded easily.
Journal of Wenzhou Teachers College(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)