威廉斯强调美国“本土”特色的诗歌创作原则 ,反对艾略特旁征博引的书卷气很浓的诗风。《红色手推车》是他的意象主义诗歌的代表作。从内容、结构、形式三方面论述了《红色手推车》的特色。
Opposing T.S.Eliot who is distinguished by practicing the learned rhetoric in poetry writing,Williams finds his subjects in such homely items as wheelbarrows.He believes that 'localism aline can lead to culture'.Imagism finds its full expression in the Red Wheelbarrow,one of the masterpieces of William Carlos Williams.This paper discusses the characteristics of the Red Wheelbarrow on its content,its structure and its form.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition)