对红腹锦鸡的饲养繁殖与生长发育进行了研究和讨论。 4~ 5月为产卵期 ,驯化当年能产少量卵 ,第 2年每窝卵 1 2~ 1 3枚 ,产卵期 2 1~ 2 8d。家鸡代孵孵化期为 2 1d ,雌鸟自然孵化 2 3d。最佳孵化方式为电孵卵器孵化 ,其次为雌鸟自然孵化。记述并统计分析了孵化过程中卵重、气室的变化以及体重及尾羽生长情况。体重及尾羽生长呈“S”形生长 ,前后期较慢 ,中期生长较快。
This paper describes and discusses the captive breeding and growth of Golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) chicks. The egg laying period was 21-28 days and lasted from April to May. A few eggs were laid in the first year and 12-13 eggs per nest in the next year of the captive breeding. When the eggs were hatched by a domestic hen, the incubation period was 21days compared to 23 days when hatched naturally. Electric incubation was the best method and natural hatching the most inferior. The eggs, weight loss and increase in air cell size during the hatching process were recorded and statistically analyzed. The trend in chick body weight and tail length over time displayed an “S' shape, with growth being relatively slow during early and late stages, but relatively rapid during the middle stage of development.
Chinese Journal of Zoology