The authors obtain some sufficient conditions for the stability of zero solutions to some types of the functional equation. (x)(t)+ p(t)-x(t)+q(t)x(t)+f (t, xt)=0 by transformations and the Liapunov's Second method. The obtained conclusions generalize some results of Stability of Equation (x)(t)+p(t)(x)(t)+q(t)x(t)=0 and Jack Hale in his paper of Theory of Functional Differential Equations.
The authors obtain some sufficient conditions for the stability of zero solutions to some types of the functional equation. x(t) +p(t)x(t) +q(t)x(t) +f (t, xt) = 0 by transformations and the Liapunov's Second method. The obtained conclusions generalize some results of Stability of Equation x (t) +p( t) x(t) + q(t)x(t) =0 and Jack Hale in his paper of Theory of Functional Differential Equations.