目的 :研究高压注射器螺旋CT扫描注射参数。方法 :随机将 2 0 0例肝脏CT增强扫描患者分为两组 ,观察组和对照组各 10 0例 ,以不同注速和延时扫描 ,单时相注射造影剂。结果 :观察组优片率 85 % ,对照组优片率 83%。结论 :单时相注射造影剂 ,使用注射流量 2 0ml/s,扫描延时
Objective:To study about satisfied parameters of high pressure syring(HPS)on contrast scan of spiral CT.Method:200 cases of liver were randomly divided into two groups.Each group were injected contrast medium at different injecting speed and time-lapsed in a single phase.Result:High and medium quality of contrast enchanced images was 85% in experimental group.83% in control.Con^clusion:The parameters of HPS selected from this study are practicable.
Journal of Qilu Nursing