以胶带输送机运输事故树的计算机模拟过程为例 ,介绍了对事故树可靠性进行计算机模拟的原理、算法以及程序运行步骤 ,编制了模拟程序。用笔者提出的理论、方法及模拟程序 ,对平顶山煤业集团一矿胶带输送机运输事故进行了事故树分析与求解 ,同时将模拟程序运行结果与最小割集法求得的理论值进行了对比 ,计算结果误差小 ,所得结论准确可靠 。
Taking the computer simulation of the fault tree of conveyer belt as the example, the computer simulation principle for the reliability of the fault tree, method of calculation, and program running steps are introduced, and a simulation program is written. The program is exemplified in #1 Mine of Ping Ding Shan Coal Industrial Group. The computer simulation results are compared with the theoretical value got by the minimum cut set method. The deviation is rather small, and the conclusion obtained is accurate and reliable, which provides the method and way for simulating similar faults.
China Safety Science Journal