研究嗜虫书虱磷化氢敏感品系QLe - 3和抗性品系GLZLe - 1在 2 5℃、75 %RH条件、不同磷化氢浓度下的种群灭绝时间 ,结果表明 :在 10 0mL/m3、2 0 0mL/m3、4 0 0mL/m3、70 0mL/m3的磷化氢浓度时 ,抗性品系的种群灭绝时间分别为 13天、10天、7天、6天 ;在5 0mL/m3、10 0mL/m3、2 0 0mL/m3、4 0 0mL/m3、70 0mL/m3的磷化氢浓度下 ,敏感品系的种群灭绝时间分别为 6天、4天、3天、2天、2天。嗜虫书虱的卵不论是抗性还是敏感品系 ,对PH3的耐药性都强于成虫和若虫 ;用磷化氢熏蒸时 ,嗜虫书虱的卵孵化推迟 3~ 6天 ,增加了防治难度 ;磷化氢浓度和种群灭绝时间之间的关系可用CnT =K式表示 ,敏感品系QLe - 3的关系式为C0 .4 4TPE =4 2 .0 5 (mg·h/L) ,抗性品系GLZLe - 1为C0 .4 1TPE =138.5 5 (mg·h/L)。
The cultures of phosphine-susceptible and resistant Liposcelis entomophila(Enderlein) were exposed to fixed phosphine concentrations for varying exposure periods using a continuous flow application of phosphine mixed with air at 25℃,75%RH.Times to population extinction were 6,4,3,2,2d at 50mL/m 3,100mL/m 3,200mL/m 3,400mL/m 3 and 700mL/m 3 of phosphine respectively,for susceptible QLe-3 strains,and for resistant GLZLe-1 strain,times to population extinction occurred at 13,10,7 and 6d at 100mL/m 3,200mL/m 3,400mL/m 3 and 700mL/m 3 of phosphine respectively.The eggs of both strains were more tolerant to phosphine than adults and nymphs.Phosphine may inhibit development of the eggs during exposure,as evidenced by delayed hatching of the eggs of both strains for 3~6 days.The relationship between phosphine concentration and time to population extinction could be described by an equation of the form of C nT=K.The equation of GLZLe-1 is C 0.41 TPE=138.55(mg·h/L),and that of QLe-3 is C 0.44 TPE=42.05(mg·h/L)
Grain Storage