本文探讨了以 Mn SO4 - Ce(SO4 ) 2 复合催化剂代替标准重铬酸钾法中的 Ag2 SO4 ,用密封消解法测定废水 COD值的可行性 ,研究了复合催化剂总量、配比、消解时间、溶液酸度等因素对 COD测定的影响。通过对各种废水 COD值的测定表明 ,用 Mn SO4 - Ce(SO4 ) 2 做催化剂 ,在 1 65℃ ,较低酸度 ,密封消解 1 5min是可行的。
MnSO 4-Ce(SO 4) 2 is introduced as a composite catalyst instead of Ag 2SO 4 for standard determination of COD.Influence of gross composite catalyst,proprotion,digesting time,acidity on determination of COD is discussed.The date indicate that the composite catalyst MnSO 4-Ce(SO 4) 2 is feasible in condition of 165℃ and relatively low acidity for 15-minute sealed digestion.
Chongqing Environmental Science