较详细地论述了用中性分子特性和与适合度有关的数量特性分析羊草等植物群克隆遗传变异的方法。探讨了其表型变异和遗传变异。根据可能或不可能属于各种同源分株的分析 ,还探讨了判断等位基因频率问题。另外 ,根据野外个体同源分株的直接观察或根据分子技术对多基因型的间接测定评述了基因型变异的时间和空间变异性。讨论了克隆种群的籽苗补充、环境干扰和同源分株生长型影响同源分株的种群动态。文中也涉及了克隆种群结果。
This paper described methods analysing variation in neutral molecular and fitnese-related quantita-tive traits.In the first part of paper we distinguished between genotypic and genetic variation,and discussed the problems of inferring allele frequencies from samples of ramet that may or may not belong to different genets.In addition,in the second part of paper,we reviewed spatial and temporal variability in genotypic variation in clonal population of Leymus chinensis and others as inferred from direct observation of individual genets in the field or form indircct determinations of multilocus genotypes using molecular techniques.We also discussed how seeding recruitment,environmental disturbancc,or the growth from of genets may influence genet population dynanics.We dealt with clonal population structure,population sulxilivision,and gene folw all of which can be estimated from the pattern of genetic variation at presumably neutral loci.$$$$
Journal of Northeast Agricultural University
资助项目编号为 39870 14 3和 30 0 10 14 0 317