目的 比较磺脲类药物失效(sulfonylurea failure,SF)的 2型糖尿病患者胰岛素泵连续皮下输注治疗(continu-ous subcutaneous insulin infusion,CSⅡ)组和多次注射胰岛素组(multiple subcutaneous insulin injection,MSⅡ)血糖控制的疗效和安全性。方法 采用对照研究方法探讨CSⅡ和MSⅡ两种治疗方法在控制血糖、胰岛素剂量、低血糖的发生率的差异。结果 GDⅡ组治疗达到理想血糖控制的疗效和所需的时间明显短于MSⅡ组(P<0.01);GSⅡ组治疗达到理想血糖控制所需的胰岛素量明显少于MSⅡ组(P<0。01);CSⅡ组低血糖发生率低于MSⅡ组。结论CSⅡ治疗能缩短达到理想血糖控制的时间,有效地降低餐后2小时血糖;减少了胰岛素用量;减少了低血糖的发生。囚此,CSⅡ疗法对SF的2型糖尿病患者理想血搪控制比MSⅡ疗法更快、更有效,且使用胰岛素剂量更小,更安全。
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect and safety of continuous subcutaneous insulin in- fusion( CSⅡ) by insulin pump and multiple subcutaneous insulin injection( MSⅡ) in controlling blood glucose on type 2 diabetic patients with sulfonylurea failure (SF) . Method The differences of blood glucose level, insulin dosage , GA, HbAlc and hypoglycemic episodes both in CSⅡ Coup with insulin pump and MSII Group are compared by a match study. Results The time needed for reaching well controlled blood glucose levels in diabetic patients with SF in CSⅡ group was significantly shorter and than that of patients in MCII group (p <0.01) ;the insulin dos- age needed for reaching well controlled blood glucose level in CSⅡ group was obviously less than that of the MSⅡ group (p<O.O1) and hypoglycemia episodes of CSII group was also lower than that of MSⅡ group (p<O.Ol). Conclusion CSⅡ can, as a new intensive therapy for type 2 diabetic patients with SF and compared with MSⅡ, shorten the duration of insulin treatment, reduce insulin dosage and hypoglycemic episodes as well as is more effec- tive and safe.
China Tropical Medicine