目的 分析广州铁路中小学生十年营养状况。方法 采用WHO身高标准体重法并参照我国学生7~22岁身高体重值进行评价。结果 十年来广州铁路学生营养不良率从35%降至25.4%,肥胖率则从7.3%升至10.9%,女生营养不良率显著高于男生,肥胖率刚男生高于女生。营养不良率年龄分布以12岁~组为主,学生营养不良以轻度为主(占85.4%~89.2%)。结论 重点应抓好营养不良的防治,同时单纯性肥胖症对学生健康的危害值得注意。
Objective To analyse nutritional status of primary and secondary schoolchildren in Guangzhou railway sector in 1990-1999. Method Standard Method for Measurement of Weight and Height recommended by WHO was adopted and the national reference values (7 - 12 years) were used for assessment. Results The malnutritional rate decreased from 35% to 25. 4%, while obese rate increased from 7.3% to 10. 9%; Malnutritional rate of female students is significantly higher than that of male students, on the contrary, obese rate of male students is significantly higher than that of female students; Malnutritional rate of 12 - age group is significantly higher than their national peers, light malnutritun accounted for 85.4% - 89.2% . Conclusion The work of prevention and treatment of malnutrition shluld be stressed, meanwhile, attention should be paid to the harmfulness of malnutrition to the health of school children.
China Tropical Medicine