Aim:To study the effect and mechanism of two kinds of moxi-bustion therapies in the treatment of two - kidney one - clip renovascu-lar hypertensive rats (2K1C - RHR) .Methods:2K1C - RHR male rats were randomly divided into six groups the moxibustion therapy Ⅰ (Bai-hui-Shenque - Zusanli) (the first group) ,the moxibustion therapy Ⅱ (Guanyan - Yongquan - Zusanli) (the second group), the captopril group (the third group), the moxibustioin therapy Ⅰ with captopril group (the forth group) ,the moxibustion therapy Ⅱ with captopril group (the fifth group) ,the hypertension grou (the sixth group) ,and the she-moperation group was used as the controlled group. After one course of treatment (ten days),caudal artery blood pressure of the rats (systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastole blood pressure (DBF)) was measured, the level of, endothelin (ET) in blood samples was separately measured by immune radioactive assay, and the level of nitric oxide (NO) in blood samples was measured by colorimeteric method.Results: The blood pressure (SBP and DBP) of the hypertension group (the sixth group) was markedly higher than that of the others groups ( P < 0.01), while the evident difference of the blood pressure (SBP and DBP) was not founded among the five treatment groups and the control group ( P > 0.05). The level of ET in the hypertension group was significantly higher than in other groups, while the level of NO in all groups showed little changes (P >0.05) .Conclusion:The study confirmed that the two kinds of moxibustion therapies have the effect of reducing the blood pressure (SBP and DBP),which is associated with the improvement of the recovery of unbalance of ET and NO.
Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion